
Learn about using Sentry with Celery.

The Celery integration adds support for the Celery Task Queue System.

Install sentry-sdk from PyPI with the celery extra:

pip install --upgrade 'sentry-sdk[celery]'

If you have the celery package in your dependencies, the Celery integration will be enabled automatically when you initialize the Sentry SDK.

When using Celery without Django, you'll need to initialize the Sentry SDK in both your application and the Celery worker processes spawned by the Celery daemon.

In addition to capturing errors, you can use Sentry for distributed tracing and profiling. Select what you'd like to install to get the corresponding installation and configuration instructions below.

from celery import Celery, signals
import sentry_sdk

# Initializing Celery
app = Celery("tasks", broker="...")

# Initialize Sentry SDK on Celery startup
def init_sentry(**_kwargs):
example-org / example-project
# Add request headers and IP for users, # see https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/python/data-management/data-collected/ for more info send_default_pii=True, # Set traces_sample_rate to 1.0 to capture 100% # of transactions for tracing. traces_sample_rate=1.0, # Set profiles_sample_rate to 1.0 to profile 100% # of sampled transactions. # We recommend adjusting this value in production. profiles_sample_rate=1.0, ) # Task definitions go here @app.task def add(x, y): return x + y

The celeryd_init signal is triggered when the Celery daemon starts, before the worker processes are spawned. If you need to initialize Sentry for each individual worker process, use the worker_init signal instead.

from tasks import add
import sentry_sdk

def main():
    # Initializing Sentry SDK in our process
example-org / example-project
# Add data like request headers and IP for users, if applicable; # see https://docs.sentry.io/platforms/python/data-management/data-collected/ for more info send_default_pii=True, # Set traces_sample_rate to 1.0 to capture 100% # of transactions for tracing. traces_sample_rate=1.0, # Set profiles_sample_rate to 1.0 to profile 100% # of sampled transactions. # We recommend adjusting this value in production. profiles_sample_rate=1.0, ) # Enqueueing a task to be processed by Celery with sentry_sdk.start_transaction(name="calling-a-celery-task"): result = add.delay(4, 4) if __name__ == "__main__": main()

If you're using Celery with Django in a typical setup, have initialized the SDK in your settings.py file (as described in the Django integration documentation), and have your Celery configured to use the same settings as config_from_object, there's no need to initialize the Celery SDK separately.

To confirm that your SDK is initialized on worker start, pass debug=True to sentry_sdk.init(). This will add extra output to your Celery logs when the SDK is initialized. If you see the output during worker startup, and not just after a task has started, then it's working correctly.

The snippet below includes an intentional ZeroDivisionError in the Celery task that will be captured by Sentry. To trigger the error call debug_sentry.delay():

from celery import Celery, signals
import sentry_sdk

app = Celery("tasks", broker="...")

def init_sentry(**_kwargs):
    sentry_sdk.init(...)  # same as above

def debug_sentry():

To set options on CeleryIntegration to change its behavior, add it explicitly to your sentry_sdk.init():

import sentry_sdk
from sentry_sdk.integrations.celery import CeleryIntegration

    # same as above

You can pass the following keyword arguments to CeleryIntegration():

  • propagate_traces

    Propagate Sentry tracing information to the Celery task. This makes it possible to link Celery task errors to the function that triggered the task.

    If this is set to False:

    • errors in Celery tasks won't be matched to the triggering function.
    • your Celery tasks will start a new trace and won't be connected to the trace in the calling function.

    The default is True.

    See Distributed Traces below to learn how to get more fine grained control over distributed tracing in Celery tasks.

  • monitor_beat_tasks:

    Turn auto-instrumentation on or off for Celery Beat tasks using Sentry Crons.

    See Celery Beat Auto Discovery to learn more.

    The default is False.

  • exclude_beat_tasks:

    A list of Celery Beat tasks that should be excluded from auto-instrumentation using Sentry Crons. Only applied if monitor_beat_tasks is set to True.

    The list can contain strings with the names of tasks in the Celery Beat schedule to be excluded. It can also include regular expressions to match multiple tasks. For example, if you include "payment-check-.*" every task starting with payment-check- will be excluded from auto-instrumentation.

    See Celery Beat Auto Discovery to learn more.

    The default is None.

Distributed tracing extends the trace from the code that's running your Celery task so that it includes the code that initiated the task.

You can disable this globally with the propagate_traces parameter, documented above. If you set propagate_traces to False, all Celery tasks will start their own trace.

If you want to have more fine-grained control over trace distribution, you can override the propagate_traces option by passing the sentry-propagate-traces header when starting the Celery task:

Note: The CeleryIntegration does not utilize the traces_sample_rate config option for deciding if a trace should be propagated into a Celery task.

import sentry_sdk

# Enable global distributed traces (this is the default, just to be explicit)
    # same as above

# This will propagate the trace:
my_task_a.delay("some parameter")

# This will propagate the trace:
    args=("some_parameter", )

# This will NOT propagate the trace. The task will start its own trace:
    args=("some_parameter", ),
    headers={"sentry-propagate-traces": False},

# Note: overriding the tracing behaviour using `task_x.delay()` is not possible.

  • Celery: 4.0+
  • Python: 3.6+
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