Handling Panics

Learn more about how our Go SDK captures unhandled panics.

The way to capture unhandled panics in our Go SDK is through the Recover method. It can be either used directly through the defer keyword or as part of your implementation.

When used directly, as shown below, Sentry will recover from the panic and internally decide whether to use the CaptureException or CaptureMessage method, based on the type of input it received. As it's not uncommon to panic with a string, it's recommended to use the AttachStacktrace option during SDK initialization, which will try to provide a useful stack trace for messages as well.

func() {
	defer sentry.Recover()
	// do all of the scary things here

By default, Sentry Go SDK uses asynchronous transport, which in the code example below requires an explicit awaiting for event delivery to be finished using sentry.Flush method. It is necessary, because otherwise the program would not wait for the async HTTP calls to return a response, and exit the process immediately when it reached the end of the main function. It would not be required inside a running goroutine or if you would use HTTPSyncTransport, which you can read about in the Transports section.

If you want to control the delivery for a single defer call, or do some other things before capturing, you have to use the Recovery method on the Hub instance directly, as it can accept err itself.

func() {
	defer func() {
		err := recover()

		if err != nil {
			sentry.Flush(time.Second * 5)

	// do all of the scary things here

Besides the regular Recover method, there's one more that can be used for panics, namely RecoverWithContext. It allows for passing an instance of context.Context as the first argument. This gives us two additional features.

The first one being extracting the Hub instance from the context and using it instead of the global one - this is used for every http/server package integration, as it allows for execution context separation. You can see it in action in our http integration source code.

And the second feature, an access to the context.Context itself inside the beforeSend method, which can be used to extract any additional information about what happened during the panic:

type contextKey int
const SomeContextKey = contextKey(1)

func main() {
	sentrySyncTransport := sentry.NewHTTPSyncTransport()
	sentrySyncTransport.Timeout = time.Second * 3

		Dsn: "https://examplePublicKey@o0.ingest.sentry.io/0
example-org / example-project
Transport: sentrySyncTransport, BeforeSend: func(event *sentry.Event, hint *sentry.EventHint) *sentry.Event { if hint.Context != nil { // hint.Context.Value(SomeContextKey) would give you stored string that now can be attached to the event } return event }, }) ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), SomeContextKey, "some details about your panic") func() { defer sentry.RecoverWithContext(ctx) // do all of the scary things here }() }
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